To be a leading network in Primary Health Care implementation at community level to end chronic and pandemic illnesses such as HIV, TB, and Cancer.


To support coordination and management of community based interventions that focus on chronic and pandemic illness such as HIV, TB Cancer and COVID; Social behavioral change interventions, Gender Based Violence (GBV), Adolescent Girls and Youth interventions. LENASO strives for Excellency in strengthening demand creation for uptake of PHC services to promote community linkages in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in an effective and efficient manner in order to ensure equity, availability, accessibility and affordability through capacity building, resource mobilization, networking, information sharing, advocacy and lobby, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and research at the community level..



Lesotho Network of AIDS Service Organizations (LENASO) was established in 1991 and legally registered in February 1994 under Society’s Act of 1966 (Registration number 94/53). LENASO is nationally recognized indigenous network of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and support groups implementing Primary Health Care (PHC) services including the epidemic and pandemic diseases such as HIV and AIDS, TB, as well as other chronic diseases such as Cancer. LENASO further works on health promotion to improve social behavior change, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the community. LENASO has a broad base of presence throughout the country with clear and organized robust structures at national, district and community level. These structures include: various Support Groups of both youth and adults, mother-baby pairs, Mothers in law groups, male support groups, Community ART Groups and Adolescents girls and young Women (AGYW) groups

The geographical coverage

Over the period since 2010, LENASO has been implementing multiple donor projects through-out the country in ten districts of Lesotho in more than 300 communities and in all the government health facilities, Christina Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL), Red Cross and other privately owned facilities. LENASO supports the health facilities by placing personnel that facilitates and conducts health promotion, social mobilization for uptake of services, health outreach services, screening, case identification, referral, linkage, enrolment into care, tracking of patients and contact tracing as well as retention to care and treatment.

Size of the organization

The network has about 200 Affiliates of CBOs and support groups implementing HIV and Health-promotion services throughout the country. The LENASO has District Community Coordinators and District Committee who report to District Administration, District Health Management Team (DHMT) and other district and Community authorities such as chiefs, health centers and the community council within the supported districts throughout the country. The secretariat is led by the Executive Director supported by the Senior Management Team (SMT) comprised of managers and key positions in the organization. There are well established various units/departments within the organization such as Finance, Procurement, Human Resource, Programs and M&E that are led by professionally qualified managers with vast experience. The secretariat has 34 qualified staff composed to Project and M&E Managers, Project coordinators, District coordinators, M&E Officers, Finance Manager, Procurement, Administration and support staff. Site level staff is about 700 people from different cadres who implement between the health facilities and the community level with a minimum stipend.


LENASO has Board of Directors referred to as National Executive Committee (NEC). The NEC is made up of 9 members with different portfolios of representatives from various fields. The Executive Director sits on the NEC as the Ex-officio member and plays the role of a secretary. The Board is elected by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is the highest body in LENASO governance structure. The NEC meets on quarterly basis. The term of NEC is 3 years for 3 consecutive terms.

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