TB and HIV Programs and the role that LENASO played.
LENASO is the leading community partner of the Ministry of Health entrusted for demand creation for uptake of health service, ensuring bi-directional linkages both at health facility and community.
TB in the Mines (TIMS),
projects, through Global Fund and PEPFAR support under USAID and CDC, LENASO in collaboration with Contact Tracers facilitates contact tracing at community level for TB case finding and referral of presumptive cases to health facility. LENASO further ensures successful tracking of TB defaulter back to care, linkage to community structure such as Village Health Workers, Support Groups and CAGs for support and DOT. With the implementation of CAG model, LENASO ensures that eligible CAG members and their family members are screened for TB, and enforce TPT coverage for all eligible members.
LENASO has supported the TB/ HIV activities that includes routine TB screening, referral and linkage of presumptive cases, patient tracking and follow-up of HIV positive clients for enrolment into treatment and retention into care through establishment and maintenance of CAGs. LENASO has developed tools and the manual in collaboration with the Ministry of Health to train Health Facility Personnel, VHWs and the community stakeholders on establishment, monitoring and maintenance of CAGs, HIV and TB. Therefore, LENASO will continue to implement TB/ HIV activities in the districts as the organization has acquired relevant experience, expertise, material and tools to implement the project.